We are committed to help our members by providing them affordable and competitive insurance products and services that go beyond risk-mitigation. Check them out now!


1KIN is a business partnership between a primary cooperative member and 1CISP. It provides the means for the cooperative to protect their prime assets, such as their business resources (finances and properties) and human resources (officers, employees, members and their families) by reducing the risks associated with these assets and transferring them to 1CISP. Through this partnership, 1KIN provides the cooperatives members access to conveniently avail of the non-life insurance packages of 1CISP, which may be offered to their officers, employees, members and their families, in addition to their existing financial products.

1KIN also includes an education program that intends to help officers, employees, members and their families appreciate the value of insurance. By increasing the members awareness on the value of risk protection and eventually selling insurance products to its members, the cooperative will generate revenues and potentially increase their net surplus, which shall return to the members thru their patronage refund and interest on share capital.

In capsule, 1KIN is a coop enterprise that provides financial education, convenient access to risk protection and added income in a package. With the entry of the insurance as a product line, it will complete the coops’ financial loop, making them all-inclusive financial service provider for the members.

The 1KIN Program is powered by Digicoop, a web-based digital sales platform that will make daily transactions more convenient and efficient. This platform is not only be for 1KIN’s program use but also it has other features that will surely improve member experience.


The 1KOOPMART is an added value service of the 1 Cooperative Insurance System of the Philippines Life and General Insurance (1CISP) in partnership with New City Commercial Corporation (NCCC) and Traxion Tech.

The 1KOOPMART program was created to contribute to managing the distribution chain within the cooperative network. It aims to guide cooperatives who wished to expand their business by putting up their own stores thus, providing a general brand to uplift the cooperative sector. Through 1KOOPMART, cooperatives may be enlightened on the important steps of establishing their own 1KOOPMART stores by the guidance and expertise of the NCCC.

The program was first launched in Mindanao last 2019 and has an intention to expand in Luzon and Visayas. As of date, five (5) 1KOOPMART stores were open by the different cooperatives such as Daveco Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative, Manuel Guianga & Sirib Growers & Employees MPC (Main and Tboli Branch), Malabog Agriculture Cooperative, and Taculen Farmers Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Certain discussions and negotiations from other cooperatives are ongoing.


The Capability Building and Training Program is a project of 1CISP in partnership with selected Federation which seeks to provide assistance to its cooperatives in the provinces in order to help them become viable and sustainable cooperatives that will ensure continued service to its members.

Upon signing of the written agreement, both parties agree that the objective of this project is to assist primary cooperatives in improving their operations and promote sustainability, development and growth.

In the light of these declared objectives, the Federation obligates itself to render the services of rating, brand recognition and monitoring of the operations of the 1CISP, with emphasis on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the operation and its impact to its members.

Moreover, the 1CISP also obligates itself to provide the necessary financial support for the training and capability building activities that will lead to strengthening of partner primary cooperatives.

The objective can be achieved through series of high quality and output-oriented trainings and seminars as well as consultancy services.


The Health and Allied Services is an added value service of the 1CISP in partnership with Cooperative Health Management Federation (CHMF) that addresses the needs for healthcare-related services of its fellow cooperatives, federations and non-government, non-profit, non-stock organizations with cooperative-related programs and services.

Benefits provided:

• Preventive: Annual Physical Examination
• Outpatient Consultation
• Emergency Treatment
• In-Patient or Confinement
• Dental Coverage
• Financial Assistance
• Covid Coverage
• Telemedicine


This program will give various solutions designed for women in the Cooperatives. It is also one of our ways to recognize women and their important contributions in the sector. This pandemic has particularly impacted women, especially those mothers who are physically and mentally exhausted from the demands of job, childcare, and housework. This drives 1CISP towards its goals to create a value-added program focused to serve all the Juanas in the sector.